OGR Tech powered by Talent Garden

Talent Garden OGR Tech

Luca Pellegrinelli
Community Manager
Nuestras opciones de membresía a OGR Tech powered by Talent Garden
Hub for innovation, business acceleration and scientific, technological and industrial research among the most important in Italy and Europe
Join the dynamic community of the OGR Torino, a unique centre for culture and innovation in Europe. Located in the heart of Turin, the OGRs were reborn in 2017 thanks to the Fondazione CRT, which transformed them from former 19th-century train workshops into a 35,000 m2 state-of-the-art space dedicated to experimentation: cultural, artistic and musical in the OGR Cult, scientific, technological and entrepreneurial in the OGR Tech. Since 2019, OGR Tech has been a reference point for startups and companies, thanks to high-potential verticals and a global ecosystem of excellent partners. Today, they support over 120 startups a year and have 15 acceleration and innovation support programmes.
The workspaces, designed to meet different professional needs, are ideal for startups, scaleups, enterprises and organisations active in the main areas of innovation. Being part of OGR Tech means access to a stimulating ecosystem that offers opportunities for growth, networking and professional development, enabling collaboration with talent, institutions and leading companies. Join us to explore new horizons of collaboration, creativity and innovation, where culture meets technology and entrepreneurship.
Lo que puedes aprender en los campus de Turín
Próximos eventos en Talent Garden
Forme parte del ecosistema OGR de Turín

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